Newer Is Better!

Hello,everybody! It’s great to see everyone so bright eyed and ready to tackle the New Year!

And what better way to kick off 2017 (Version 1.0) than by revisiting the gang at “My Cage” by Ed Power and Melissa DeJesus…


I’m still typing with one finger on the Amazon Fire, and for whatever reason I’m unable to adjust the color of the fonts, so I cannot highlight titles and names the way I’d like. But to give credit where it’s due, please enjoy this recent edition of Rick Stevens’ “Diesel Sweeties”!…


Okay, before we all get TOO paranoid…


Yes, I suppose that WAS dated… Unless of course we’re talking about something like Chinese New Year! Yeah, that’s the ticket!

Please remember your visits here are always appreciated, and please don’t forget to spread the love via the “like”, “share” and “comment” buttons below…

Hurry back soon!

(I’m actually starting to get faster at this!)

About jaypochapin

Married adult human male, father, brother, son, writer, voiceover actor and humorist. Frequently funny, sometimes snarky, occasionally profound. Beatles, Stones, Who, Python, Firesign Theatre, Shakespeare, Bogart/Bacall, Marx Brothers, Alice Cooper and more besides. Have worked as many things: traffic reporter, disc jockey, newscaster, interviewer, producer, copywriter, voice over talent, teacher, emcee, housekeeper, janitor, uniformed security officer, bagel baker's assistant and more, but don't let the uniform fool you, baby! I ... AM ... THE WRITER!

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