Category Archives: Cartoons

One Week Later

Okay, so we’re back in business!…

And there’s no shortage of graphic art to be posted!…

I’ve been looking and downloading and uploading. Everything except posting!

Of course, it’s nice to be in demand, but there’s something to be said for time off as well…

I’m sure the time may come when this humble blog will return to political topics, but not just yet…

Until next time, please know every visit is appreciated, as is every time you make use of the “like,” “share” and/or “comment” buttons below!


Annnnnnnnnnd I’m out.

Three Months Later

Dude, where HAVE you been?

As usual, I’ve been commandeered by that original social media platform, Life.

Someday, I may write more about this pause in my posts, but for now, I’m just pleased to be back. I’m also learning to use the WordPress app that I’ve just installed on my tablet.

You may wish to check that your seatbelt is fastened and that the safety lap bar is locked in the down position…

So now that I’m back, let’s make up for some lost time with good ol’ Rick Stevens!…

At this point, let’s see what else I’ve been salting away for an eventual return…

I know, it’s a little dated. But let’s be clear, in this country, at this time, nothing has much of a shelf life, except for human nature. For a while, at least, I want to see if I can keep this humble blog a little less political. That would make for a lot less wear and tear on your humble blogger…

There’s plenty more to come in the days and weeks ahead! Please be patient and thanks for coming back!

Annnnnnd I’m out… 

Some Thoughts on Outrage

Is there anything so instantaneous as outrage?

When there’s nothing else to be done, I repost cartoons that I’ve found online.. It helps.






The past two weeks have been more than a little rough. Between the White House, Congress and Manchester, England, not to mention the current President’s “Grand Tour” of major centers of faith and Brussels as well, this has not been an easy time to be an American.

Of course, expecting things in life to always make sense is somewhat irrational, which can lead to outraged responses as easily as not.


I humbly thank the folks who come to to visit this blog.

My gratitude also to the many artists whose talents help make up the lion’s share of these posts.

Please help elevate and calm my spirits by clicking on the “like,” “share” or “comment” buttons below. I promise to strive to be less outraged!

Annnnnnd I’m out…

Anything for Art

When the going gets crazy, sometimes it’s best to just get out of the way of the artwork! Our old friend, Rick Stevens will take over from here…



Sometimes you find the purest forms of communication in the least expected location…


This much is certain: the Republican Party has undergone a metamorphosis…


Then there’s the matter of Culture and the Arts. Abraham Lincoln died watching live theatre. Richard Nixon enjoyed screening movies.

#EmperorDonaldTheLast doesn’t read books or magazines or even briefing reports longer than one page, and those have to be heavy on bullet points and graphics.

So when he tried to cut endowments for the arts and humanities, what did he think would happen?


And the fate of healthcare hangs precariously in the balance…


And, oh yes, there was something about the … was it… the FBI?..


So, in conclusion, please be of good cheer!

If you have a faith life, meditate and pray. If you don’t have a faith life, work on your deep breathing and relaxation exercises.

If you’re the primary cause of all this tension, please resign, thereby sparing us all of the time and stress of having to have you impeached…

Thanks to the artists.

Thanks to the rest of you.

Annnnnnd I’m out.

Figure Out Something

It’s hard to know where to start…

This blog often takes its cues from the American political scene, and that’s been unusually chaotic these past 18 months.


And it doesn’t help when what used to pass for simple reality seems somehow unreal…

Elaborate explanations are offered to misdirect attention from the obvious to the impossible.


Reviewing everything that’s happened only in the past week makes many contemplate emigration, perhaps to Canada?


Revelation is not limited to the closing pages of the New Testament.


To wrap it up requires more at this point than I am prepared to provide. And I have a backlogjam of topical artwork to present.

I wish to thank these noble artisans to whom I turn week in and week out to help me get some perspective and thereby figure things out.

Please be of good cheer! There’ll be lots more art coming your way shortly!

Annnnnnd I’m out.

May Flowers

Okay, so maybe you wouldn’t recognise the official Massachusetts state flower, above, on sight. That’s okay, since I probably wouldn’t either.

Where I live, the springtime weather is starting to moderate from rain showers to milder, sunnier days now, which makes it easier to be upbeat…


All right, so the weather’s better, but the climate in our nation’s capital really hasn’t changed at all…


If we find ourselves feeling better, does that affect reality?…


Of course, some people just never abandon their already established points of view. That’s when the debates really begin!..


Therefore: thanks to the various artists whose art really makes this humble blog what it is (besides merely humble.)

It’s sobering to think that without their contributions, these sentences and paragraphs wouldn’t make much sense all by themselves.

Please remember to “like,” “share” and “comment” as the spirit moves you by using the little widget buttons below!

Until next time, please be safe and may the LORD bless you all, wherever you are!

And here’s another picture of a Mayflower for all you garden enthusiasts..


Annnnnnd I’m out.

April Showers

Hello! Let’s waste no time!…


Say, do you know what? That’s okay, neither do I. I hear that’s pretty common nowadays…


When people start to question your judgement, that’s when you need to reframe the question to your own advantage!..



How often do you contemplate the nature of existence?


Why not sit back and try to take the long view?..


Whatever the future may hold, hopefully it won’t be a cynical rehash of the past!

 Wherever you are on the planet, please know your visit(s) to this humble blog are always welcomed and appreciated!

Thanks to all the artists whose work appears here, including Tom Tomorrow and Rick Stevens, to name but a few.

If you’ve enjoyed your visit, please use one of the buttons below to “like,” “share” or “comment.”

Annnnnnd I’m out.

Tax Day + Earth Day = Tearthax Day

It’s all about transparency and accountability.

For the first time in more than two generations, the United States is governed by a President whose financial life remains stubbornly shrouded in secrecy.

His environmental policy harkens back to the rapacious avarice of the so-called “robber barons” of the 19th century.

And a significant number of Americans seem to be okay with that.

Or at least they will be until their own finances are in ruins and almost everything they eat, drink or breathe is toxic.

Of course, in the end, the irony is that the ultra-wealthy will end up trapped by their own heedless avarice, imprisoned in a tightly circumscribed bubble that becomes their permanent and eternal habitat.

Of course, eventually the walls are breached, their sole comfort being that they will be the last to go. There will be none left to mourn or bury or remember them.

But they will have lasted the longest.

Well, THAT was certainly depressing! Time for some comic relief, I think!


Okaaayy, let’s try again shall we?…


Many thank yous to all who take time out their own days and nights to visit this humble blog! Please share, like comment or whatever using the assorted widgets below!

Do you know for the longest time I thought a “widget” was what happened when Gidget got mixed up in Necromancy!…

Shows you how much I know!…

Annnnnnd I’m out!

An Homage to Spring

Here, directly above the headline, you see a recent picture of my former hometown (Pittsburgh, PA) taken early this spring. Of course, spring not only means budding flowers and plants, it also means the lawn begins to grow again, too..


There’s nothing like the return of warm weather to inspire the wanderlust that makes one itching to travel!…


Here’s a handy infographic that demonstrates how this President spends more time playing golf than Dubya spent clearing brush down in Texas…


That truly proves a picture is worth a thousand words…



Without Rick Stevens’ “Diesel Sweeties”, we’d have to rely exclusively on Tom Tomorrow and “This Modern World.”

Whatever else may happen, human nature remains a constant…



Please like, share and/or comment below. Your visit is appreciated! More posts coming soon!

Annnnnnnnd I’m out!

Too Good To Wait: “Trump’s Legion of Doom!”

It’s been awhile since Jon Rosenberg’s work last graced this humble blog. As soon as I saw this latest art, I felt compelled to share it as soon as possible!…

Thanks again to Jon Rosenberg, from whose mind this cartoon springs. See all his work at! He deserves your support!

And, as always, thanks to you for visiting this humble blog!

Annnnnd I’m out!

Your assurance of quality… pretty much…